1 research outputs found

    Cost-Effective, Commercial Scale Production of Tanespimycin

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    Recent approaches to cancer therapy have centered on developing small molecule inhibitors for signaling pathways deranged in common cancers; these compounds are sometimes referred to as tumor antibiotics. One promising target for tumor antibiotics is Hsp90, a heat shock protein that plays a central role in promoting the functionality and stability of a group of proteins associated with cancer called client proteins. Hsp90 inhibitors have been receiving extensive research attention, with geldanamycin, tanespimycin, and their derivatives at the forefront. This report describes a novel, cost-effective, commercial scale process design for the production of tanespimycin. The proposed production facility is designed to deliver 1,084 kg/year through 55 batches, requiring operation of 293 days/year. Detailed economic analysis suggest the recuperation of funds after an initial investment into the biopharmaceutical plant and Phase III trials, which suggest that further investment in this process design would be highly profitable